Monday, April 30, 2012

Privacy on the Internet

Pretty much everyone has a Facebook these days, and if you don't, congratulations because you do not have to worry about people you do not know looking at your life. Life as in, photos, posts, comments and things that you like and don't like. Facebook's privacy policy is way to long so no one really reads it. I haven't even read it myself. Now that I have watched that Facebook video I am going to read and I am going to make sure all my privacy settings are just the way I want them. Business and companies are always going to see what your doing on the internet, for business purposes (or supposedly,) but if you take the time, you have control over what PEOPLE can or cannot see your stuff. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Google Drive's Privacy Policy

 Unfortunately, Google drive's privacy policy is fairly similar to already established programs such as Drop box, SkyDrive, and iCloud. Ever since Google has  made a privacy policy a few months back that was an "all encompassing privacy policy for all services," concerns have been rising. Google Drive is under this policy. This policy basically says that yes, you can put your information together and share it, but Google has the right to look at and distribute it for service purposes as well. If I were using Google Drive I know I wouldn't want people seeing my work and personal stuff I put on there for myself. Although the other programs don't get as much scrutiny as Google, they are just as scary in the same ways. So if you do not want to give companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft, don't sign up.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pinterest, Binder and Evernote.

Pinterest, Binder and Evernote are all sites that anyone could use to pull together information for work or school, or just for yourself for fun. I would use Binder mainly for a school project because it's just like putting together all information on one subject into one place. Evernote is more of a personal information holder, it can be used for work and school as well, but it is more of a notepad to help you remember things. I probably wouldn't use Evernote as much, maybe when I get a serious job or something. Pinterest is something I've always been interested in (although I just now got a profile for it.) It's like your own personal board of pictures that you like and want to share. Even if you don't have a profile it is still extremely fun and entertaining to look at. It also has a lot of creative and fun ideas for crafts and other various hobbies. Out of the three, I would most likely use Pinterest the most.

Blaine and Brittney's Web Show!

Monday, April 2, 2012

An expected Tech Job increase of 22% !

The article I read says that there will be a Tech Job growth of 22% through 2020. This does not surprise me since Technological Advances an Technology use as a whole is increasing at high rates even as you read this. This may put a lot of people out of jobs that don't require any technical skills, but at the same time, creating more computer jobs. I'm lucky because I plan on working with computers through college and after college, so hopefully I'll be ahead of the game.

Article Link: