Monday, March 12, 2012

TVs and Computers Combined?

 This article talks about new "Smart TVs" that may be taking over not only the regular TV, but possibly the computer as well.  It includes a webcam, a dual-core processor and voice recognition so you dont have to use a remote.  The quality of the TV has full HD and 3D capabilities which makes watching TV a whole new experience.  This product does not surprise me because even now anyone could watch a movie or TV epesode on a regular computer.  It is fairly expenisive, but hey, two for one.

How to Use Pandora!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thoughts about Footprint Presentations

What interested me the most between all the presentations was definitely the new Google privacy policy. If someone has any kind of g-mail, YouTube or Google related account, then they automatically have to watch out what they are searching for on the internet. I know sometimes people are just curious about random things and would probably be embarrassed if another person was monitoring them. As for the rest of the digital footprint "no-nos," it is going to be unbelievably hard for almost anyone who is on the internet to be completely safe.  Good luck everyone!

How to Keep A Low Profile on the Internet